Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs | Leg Makeup Review

Hey guys!
Today I bring you a review of the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Lotion (Leg Makeup). This product is simply a makeup to hide imperfections on your legs and to make them look nearly flawless. It also gives your legs a nice glowing tan color. It really is beautiful. I bought mine in the medium shade because I felt that it would best suit my olive skin tone. It's actually a fairly dark shade so if your any lighter than me I would go for the lightest shade they have available. 

The picture above is a leg with the leg makeup and without leg makeup. The photo on the left looks smoother, with a nice tan and looks amazing. (By the way, all these pictures are untouched. These are my legs and all their glory!)

When you squeeze this lotion into your hands, it looks really dark. I like to pour some into my hands, rub my hands together and quickly apply the lotion to your legs. It is easy to apply and you can definitely see where you apply the lotion. You shouldn't have a problem with streaking because you can see exactly where you've applied it on your skin.

Ok, so this is a pretty awkward picture but I wanted to show you the color and the glow the lotion gives you. The color looks pretty light in the picture because of the camera flash, but I think it still looks good. This makeup is also waterproof and is easily washed off with soap and water in the shower. I also noticed that this lotion didn't transfer onto my clothes. Awesome!

Overall, I feel that this is a great product if you want your legs to look flawless and smooth. It adds a great color to your legs and never felt sticky or like there was a gross residue. I really love this stuff. I would definitely give this stuff a try this summer if you are attending a wedding or really any occasion where you want your legs to look awesome. I'm almost tempted to get the lightest and the darkest shades to do a bit of highlighting and contouring with the lotions. This lotion retails for around $13-14. It's a bit pricey but I think it's worth it because the results are so nice. 

Have you tried leg makeup? What are your thoughts?

So Polished: You Boho Believe It

Helloooooooooo! *in a Seinfeld voice* ;P

While on my trip to NYC I picked up this nail polish from Duane Reade. If you don't know why I was in NYC, maybe you should check out my Instagram or FB :D You'll be super excited! lol I sure was. I may do a post about my trip soon. Anyways, I picked up this color and one other color that is more of a hot pink. I have that color on my toes. I have never heard of this brand but figured I'd give it a try because the colors were so gorgeous. I actually had 6 polishes in my hand at one point but ended up going with two. I didn't want to go overboard since I had never used this brand and I was also traveling back to Texas the next day. Overall, I REALLY like this polish! I'm kind of kicking myself in the butt for not getting more. Oh, well.

This color will change depending on what light you're in, but this is probably the truest to color. At times it can looks like a darker purple or even a deep red. Either way, I love it! It really pops and I've actually received several compliments on them. 

I think this is the perfect color to wear for the Spring and Summer seasons, especially since the year's color is radiant orchid. It's kind of orchid, right?

What nail polishes have you been loving?

Persun Mall Haul

Hey everyone!
Recently I placed an order with and I wanted to share the items I got with you ;) I picked up a couple tops and some jewelry. After I got the package in the mail, I realized I mainly ordered turquoise and gold items. I guess that's what I was attracted to lol. 
This flowy white top can be paired with anything. I love the small, round, gold buttons. 

This top is exactly the same as the white, but in a turquoise color. This has quickly become one of my favorite tops to wear for the Spring. 

Gold and Black Belt Buckle Bracelet

Jeweled Chain Link Bracelet. It looks exactly like the one from J.Crew, but this one's a lot cheaper. I LOVE IT!

At first I wasn't sure about this Cleopatra necklace, but now I really like it.  I ordered it because it's different than anything else I have in my collection. 

This is a simple turquoise necklace and to be honest, I'm not crazy about it.  I guess I just don't like it as much as I thought I would.

I had the hardest time taking this picture because the color and saturation kept going out of whack, but this has become one of my favorites. I think it's a cute pop of color to add to almost any outfit, especially for summer. I also really like the geometric shapes. 

I think these pieces are really cute, and for the most part, affordable. 

What pieces have you been loving for Spring?

*Disclaimer- these items were sent to me, but all opinions are my own. 

Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette Review

Today I bring you a review of one of my favorite palettes I own from Too Faced. To be completely honest, I've been really impressed with the palettes Too Faced has released lately. This is no exception. I love the idea of the "Chocolate Bar" and the packaging kills me. It's absolutely adorable and just as you would expect the shadows even have the aroma of rich chocolate. It's like they put two of a girl's favorite things into one- if only it actually came with a chocolate bar :/ Just sayin'. 

As you can see, the outer packaging resembles that of a chocolate bar wrapper, while the palette really looks like an oversized chocolate bar. 
The name of the shadows are fitting and go right along with the theme of the palette. With all the flavors shades of eyeshadows, it's nearly impossible not to find a few you love. 
There are a variety of textures in this palette, ranging from mattes, satins, shimmers, to glitters. When looking at the shade range, they are all fairly neutral with a few pops of color. But even those pops of color are what I would consider neutral, aside the Candied Violet shade.

The shadows swatch beautifully and effortlessly across the skin. It's really better to use a light hand, otherwise the color pigmentation can get a little crazy one the eyes. Just be careful. 

The palette also includes a pamphlet of ideas of looks you can create with the palette. The front side demonstrates the final look you can achieve...

And the back side gives you step-by-step instructions for how to achieve these looks. 
Overall, I really love this palette because I love my neutrals. Do I think you NEED this palette? Probably not. Not if you have other neutral palettes. There aren't any colors in this palette that I find to be super unique, but that doesn't mean I don't love it or that you won't either. 

Do you own this palette? Doesn't it make you crave chocolate!?

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