Still Life Drawing for Art Class

Hey guys!
I've been super busy with school and work lately. To prove to you that I haven't completely forgot about the blog, I decided I would post the picture I had to draw for my art class. lol It's relevant, so it's not a completely random picture but yeah.. just thought I'd share :)

The assignment was to place fabric over different leveled things and to arrange objects on the fabric and draw a "Still Life" portrait. Sooooo, being the makeup obsessed freak that I am, naturally I chose to draw makeup lol.


I was thinking of doing a couple Halloween makeup looks. Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing those. To be completely honest, I need a change from the "pretty" makeup looks. Fall is coming and it's a great time to experiment and try crazier, darker makeup! :) I hope everyone is having a good day!!

Don't forget to follow me on FB!


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