This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

This is Halloween- The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton

Happy Halloween!
Today I wanted to make this post full of Halloween themed pictures. I will show you some of my Halloween pictures and also show you some pictures of cute celebrity costumes that I love from this year. I hope you enjoy! (By the way, there are a lot of links throughout this post so make sure you click through to see more pics and videos. Have fun!)

I recently picked this Sinful Colors polish up from Walgreens and painted on my toes. It looks so bright in the dark! I love it! 

Here is the Deer/Bambi inspired makeup I did about a week or so ago. I love it! I posted these pics on my Instagram.

Here is a look I did on my sister. I absolutely LOVE it! We actually did this about a month ago because you can never start playing with Halloween makeup too soon. 

And some of you may remember my Pop Art Comic Book look from last year. This is still one of my favorite Halloween looks I've done. 

Now, here are some pics of celebs in their Halloween costumes. These are just some of my favorites.

Lauren Conrad as a fairy. She always knows how to make everything look so feminine and chic. 

Alessandra Ambrosio as the Queen of Hearts. I love the costume with the bright red wig and tilted crown. 

Kate Upton with a Marie Antoinette-inspired look but with sugar skull makeup. I've seen a lot of people do the sugar skull makeup this year but not many have the completed outfit. That's really why I liked this costume. It's got a vintage vibe but still very Halloween with the makeup.

I do really need to explain this one? lol Paris Hilton as Miley Cyrus from the VMAs. So many people have made this outfit their costume this year and I love it.
Miley Cyrus VMAs video

Stephanie Pratt as I Dream of Jeannie. She looks adorable! lol

Miley Cyrus as Lil' Kim. I love it because Miley has become so balls-y lately and this is just another way she's "putting herself out there," quite literally.
Here's a pic she posted on FB earlier today.

And how can you not love these Candy Land-inspired costumes! Bethenny Frankel and her daughter Bryn look so cute. I love all the pink and little candies on their dresses. This is the girliest  costume I've ever seen and love the fact they showed up in a pink limo!

Neil Patrick Harris and fiancé David Burtka, as Tweedledee and Teedledum and their twin children as Alice and the White Rabbit. This is absolutely precious! I love all their costumes. Family costumes are my favorite!

And this my friends, is the best Halloween costume this year! Ellen DeGeneres as Nicki Minaj. She is hysterical! I love the fake boob cleavage and gold chains lol
Ellen showing off her costume on her show!

Of course, you can't mention celebs' Halloween costumes without mentioning Heidi Klum. Although, I haven't seen a costume from her this year, she always has the best costumes EVER! She goes above and beyond with her extravagant costumes. She is Queen of Halloween!

I know this is a different kind of post, but I wanted to share some of these neat costumes I saw on celebs this year. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a safe and fun Halloween!

What were your favorite celeb Halloween costumes? What are you going as this year??


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