Diamond Candle Review + Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Hey guys! 
Today I bring you an exciting post. A while back, Diamond Candles contacted me and wanted me to review their candles and also host a GIVEAWAY! Why not, right? Who doesn't want a nice smelling candle with a surprise gift? Let's get on to the review...

Diamond Candles are an eco-friendly company and make their all natural candles out of soy. In every candle, you will find a ring worth $10, $100, $1,000, or $5,000. Which, I think is a great twist to include in an ordinarily boring candle. It's actually pretty exciting (even if you don't find a $5,000 ring inside).

The scent I chose for myself is in Cupcake. This scent is sweet and does remind me of cupcakes. The smell of the candle was fairly strong at first, but over time seemed to dissipate.

When you look at the back of the candle, you will notice a gold sticker. This is where you should find your ring. I say "should"because that wasn't the case for me. lol (Watch my YouTube video below)

The idea behind getting the ring out is to just wait until you've burned the candle far enough down to simply scoop the ring out with a spoon.... "AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" Obviously, Brandon and I were impatient and ended up scooping all of the candles contents out onto a plate. The ring in my candle ended up being at the very bottom. It was actually a lot of fun searching for it. At first, I thought I didn't even get a ring in my candle!

After we got the ring out, I tried to do my best to salvage the candle by replacing all of the wax back into the jar. Like new! Kinda... lol What a mess.

And here's the ring I found in my Diamond Candle. Obviously, it's not a diamond. It's a total fake, but I think it's cute. I love the idea behind hiding a little treasure in a candle. It's not much, but it's fun. 

Overall, I think these candles would be a cute gift for someone on a special occasion or even as a treat for yourself. Since the candle is all natural, don't expect the scent to be super overpowering (which can be good or bad depending on your taste). I received the candle about a month ago and I still haven't finished burning it. I've burned it nearly every day and am about 3/4 done. I think this is a cute idea and would be fun to share with friends or family. I hope you enjoyed the review and pics! Don't forget to watch the video to see us destroy find my ring in the candle :P


(Sept. 1 @ 12am- Sept. 15 @ 12am)

**Don't know what to do with old candle jars? Click here**

 First Day of School 

So, I don't know if it was just me or what, but I was ALWAYS late to class in school. Luckily for me, I don't have to worry about being late now since I'm taking online classes and can do my school any time of the day. :P But for those of you who actually have to go to class,  here's a little Back to School makeup idea for your first days of school.

Since you've stayed up late and woke up at noon all summer, getting into the swing of the new school year can wreak havoc on your beauty sleep. 
TIP: On your first few days day of school wear a bright eye shadow look. I also recommend wearing liner on the tip because it gives the appearance of wide awake eyes and gives your eyes a more lifted look. 

TIP: Wear a bright colored lip to keep people's focus on your lips (instead of the bags under your eyes). Go for a bright lip stain and add a little gloss if needed. This way you won't have to worry about reapplying your lips throughout the say.  

Products Used:
Covergirl 3in1 Liquid Foundation in 825 Buff Beige
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer in Neutralizer
Rimmel Translucent Stay Matte Powder
ELF Pink Passion Blush
NYC Sunny Bronzer
ELF Golden Bronzer (Highlight)
Lorac Pro Palette (Cream, Nude, Gold, Mauve)
Revlon Colorstay Liquid Liner in Black
L'Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara
Maybelline Color Sensational Vivids in Vivid Rose

Guest Blogger: Kristen from Your Beauty Fix

Hey guys!
 Yesterday I asked Kristen, from Your Beauty Fix, if she would be interested in writing a post on my blog and she gladly accepted. I reached out to Kristen because I love her blog and her charismatic attitude. She writes great, honest reviews in a way everyone can relate. If you haven't checked out her blog, what are you waiting for?? Go

With summer coming to a close keeping our amazing tan is top priority. Here are some of my favorite products to keep you glowing all year round!

I am utterly obsessed with self tanner. Bronze goddess without the damaging UV Rays? Sign me up! These three will give you that "I just got back from vacation in Tahiti" look without the orange-ness or yucky smell. 

Victorias Secret Self-Tanning Cooling Gel, Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs in "Tan", St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse

I love Victorias Secret's Cooling Gel because its virtually fool proof. I don't even use gloves for this one! Simply rub in the gel, which is a rich chocolate color, and wash off your hands VIGOROUSLY afterwards. That is, unless you like splotchy hands, haha! Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs is perfect for a quick touch up. I rub this on my calves before a girls night out and my legs look GREAT in pictures. Seriously. I sound narcissistic, but its the truth. Finally, theres my tried and true... St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse. You will definitely need a mitt or glove for this one but the results are SO realistic! Don't let the greenish color fool you, when you rub this mousse it... it works miracles.

Now, to keep that color you'll need to MOISTURIZE! I suggest Victorias Secret PINK Body Lotion in "Sunkissed". Isn't the name just perfect? <3 font="">

Besides that, this stuff smells amazing and helps keep your skin looking healthy.

Finally, a little SPARKLE never hurt anyone! I suggest rubbing LUSH's "Shimmy Shimmy" Solid Body Tint on your legs, forearms and shoulders for a little extra somethin'.

What will you miss most about Summer?

Thank you so much for this post, Kristen!

How to Add my Blog to Your Home Screen

Hey guys!
Today's post is going to be a little different than normal. I'm going to show you how to add my blog to your home screen on your iPhone! :D

First, get on the internet by opening Safari.  

Next, type in the url into the address bar or Google search for my blog. 

Once there, at the bottom of the webpage, tap the Share button. 

A pop-up screen will arise. Select the "Add to Home Screen" button.

Finally, tap "Add."

And voilĂ ! My blog is easily accessible on your home screen with a tap of a finger!

I hope you all found this helpful! Let me know if you add my blog to your home screen! :)

13 Personal Questions Tag!

Hey guys!
I was tagged by the sweet Kristen from Your Beauty Fix. Go check out her blog. She does great reviews!
Let's jump right into it! 

1) What drink do you order at Starbucks?
I love fraps! I like the Chocolate Cookie Crumble, Mocha Cookie Crumble, Java Chip, and Caramel frappuccino. 

2) What's one thing in your closet you couldn't live without?
My blazers. I have one in almost every color.

3) What's one thing people don't know about you?
I've never jumped off a diving board.

4) What's one thing you want to do before you die?
Swim with dolphins and travel outside of the country (Paris, Australia, Japan...)

5) What's the one food you can't live without?
I have a HUGE sweet tooth (more like sweet teeth) I love anything sweet. 

6) What's one quote you live by?
"Everything happens for a reason." I truly believe everything happens for a reason- whether it's good or bad. People come into your life for all reasons. Bad things happen so you can grow from them and become a stronger person. 

7) What's one thing you like and dislike about the blogging community?
One thing I like about the blogging community is that I feel like I've built relationships with people who have the same interests as me. People who are just as freakin obsessed about lipstick, eyeshadow, nail polish, and clothes as I am. I love it. 
One thing I don't like is spam comments. They're so annoying!

8) What's your number one song on iTunes?
Today, it's "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus and "22" by T. Swift.

9) What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?
My style varies from day to day but I mainly like to dress "cute." Think dressy casual. If you check out Look Book board on my Pinterest or my pics on Instagram you will get an idea of what I typically wear. 

10) What's your favorite number?

11) Two hobbies?
Doing/buying makeup and going shopping. That's pretty much my life. :)

12) Two pet peeves?
I CANNOT STAND when people smack their food loudly with their mouths open. Oh. My. Goodness... Seriously, it absolutely disgusts me. lol 
I also can't stand when people drink bottled drinks with their lips wrapped around the entire opening, suck the drink out to the point where the plastic bottle sucks in, and when they release, the bottle pops out with a loud sound. UGH! (I know that was pretty specific but I've seen so many people do it lol)

13) Your guilty pleasure?
Lately, it's been Candy Crush on my iPhone.  

Earlier this week-

Brandon: "Will you not play that game today?..."
Me: "What game?"
Brandon: "Candy Crush."
Me: "Why?"
Brandon: "I just want to see if you can go a whole day without playing it."

You know you're obsessed when your boyfriend asks you to not play Candy Crush and pay more attention to him. lol

The Questions:
1) What drink do you order at Starbucks?
2) What's one thing in your closet you couldn't live without?
3) What's one thing people don't know about you?
4) What's one thing you want to do before you die?
5) What's the one food you can't live without?
6) What's one quote you live by?
7) What's one thing you like and dislike about the blogging community?
8) What's your number one song on iTunes?
9) What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?
10) What's your favorite number?
11) Two hobbies?
12) Two pet peeves?
13) Your guilty pleasure?

Thank you so much for tagging me, Kristen! This was so fun :)
I tag everyone who wants to do this. Don't be shy!

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