Sigma Shine Eyeshadow Review

Hey guys,
You may remember a few weeks ago I placed an order with Sigma and received this free sample of eyeshadow. I got a comment asking for a review over it- so here it is.

This particular eyeshadow is a part of their "Bare" palette. Although they have recently started carrying single eyeshadows, this shade is not available individually, which means if you want it you have to but the whole palette ($39).

This particular shade is a deep, dark, rich black with mainly silver glitters. It looks like there are some teal colored glitters but on the eye it really pulls the silver.

This eyeshadow is extremely pigmented. A little goes a LOOONG way. 

This eyeshadow is pretty buttery so if you don't tap off the excess you will get it everywhere.  

When you apply this eyeshadow, it is best to pat it on to build up the color and the glitter. Almost like a base coat, then add a second layer to enhance the glitter.

This color stays on for several hours. The only problem I see with eyeshadow is that you have to do your eye makeup first and then your face makeup because you will get fallout. The only way you could do it the other way around would be to put a tissue or some kind of barrier between your eye and the tops of your cheekbones/underneath your eyes.

Overall, I think this is a beautiful color. I wish they sold it separately in a single form but maybe they will soon. I would love to try their palettes based off of this single shade. I am very impressed and feel like there are so many ways you could use this color.

I hope you enjoyed this review! Let me know if you have tried any of the Sigma shadows and what you think of them.

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The X Factor

Hey guys!
You may know that I decided to try out for the X Factor (IF YOU FOLLOW ME ON FB LIKE YOU SHOULD! just saying... lol) I got an email earlier today saying that I've been moved on to the second stage of reviewing by the executive producers and after I get accepted I'll audition LIVE! Eeeeeeeekk! haha If I make it on the show I expect Every. Single. One. Of. You. to VOTE! If you want, I will keep you posted on how things go. Just let me know in the comments below :)

Don't forget to follow me on FB!

♡ 23rd Birthday ♡

Hey guys! 
If you didn't know, yesterday was my 23rd birthday :) I hate to admit I'm getting older but hey, we all do. Yesterday morning Brandon surprised me with a breakfast FEAST! lol I loved it. He woke up earlier than me to get everything set up. When I woke up about an hour or so later he heard me coming out of the bedroom and said "Get back in there!! You can't come out yet!" lol I guess he hadn't quite finished his set up yet. Ha Finally he allowed me to come out and this is what I was greeted with. :) I thought it was the perfect way to start off any birthday.

The gift he got me was Finding Nemo. And if you know anything about me, I LOOOOVE Finding Nemo! I used to have it on DVD but I showed it so much love that it stopped working. He got me this 5 disc collection so I can watch it pretty much where ever I am.

The next gift I got for my birthday was a pink CHI from Brandon's mom. I feel like I've needed one of these of a loooong time. I seem to have pretty bad luck when it comes to hair straighteners. 

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day here, we couldn't resist being outside. We drove around in the car and ended up doing a little "photo shoot." lol (can you spot him in the reflection on the car?)

While we were driving, we drove by all of these trees off to the side of the road. The grass was so beautiful. It literally is the color you see in the picture below. It's that green!!! Ugh. It was so pretty. I knew I wanted to get a picture there so we pulled over. We later found out that it was private property so we had to hurry up and get my picture taken before anyone came out of the house that was about a football field away. :P

Oh yeah, and we bought a snake. lol Brandon bought a Mexican Black Kingsnake as a classroom pet. It's really pretty. I was kinda freaked out to hold it at first but it grew on me.

Even though we didn't do anything crazy exciting for my birthday I still loved it. Sometimes it feels good to simply have a good, calm day :)

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Get Ready on the Fly Video + Valentines

Hey guys!
I got a request on FB to do a tutorial on how to get ready fast. In this video, I wanted to show you how I typically get ready when I'm in a big rush (maybe I woke up late or decide to randomly go somewhere). 


  • First make sure to conceal and highlight. You want to look fresh and not like you just hopped out of the bed minutes ago. Brightening around your eyes and concealing any blemishes will give you a more even complexion.
  • Next, to make the concealer last longer, set it with a translucent powder. I used my powder all over my face to combat any oiliness I may get throughout the day.
  • Now that you look like a ghost, warm up your face by contouring with bronzer. This adds definition to an otherwise flat looking face.
  • Next, add some color to your cheeks with a bright blush.
  • After, frame your face by filling in your eyebrows. This step is one of the most important. 
  • Next, take an "all over" eyeshadow. For this I used a bronze cream eyeshadow and applied it from the lash line to the crease.
  • Then, I applied a highlight color to the inner corner of my eye and underneath the brow.
  • To add more definition to my eyes, I added a medium matte brown into the crease and to define my lashes I took a black eyeshadow and lined the outer lash line. This gives the appearance of fuller lashes and is much easier than fidgeting with liquid liner.
  • Make sure to curl your lashes and apply mascara. 
  • Last, take a lip color you know will work with anything. Something that is so easy to apply that you really don't need to look in a mirror. 
  • Do something easy and fast like a pony or a messy bun. These are easy when you don't have time to straighten or curl your hair because they look good with any hair type.
  • Choose something easy. I chose to wear a combination of neutral colors because you really can't go wrong with neutrals.
  • If you want to add a pop of color to your outfit, I suggest wearing a bright colored shoe, or jewelry. 
  • Make sure that your comfortable. If you're running out the door, you don't want to worry about if you can last all day in the heels you put on or if your top is buttoned and straight.


  • Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer in Neutralizer
  • Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder in Transparent
  • Revlon PhotoReady Bronzer in Bronzed and Chic
  • ELF Blush in Pink Passion
  • ELF Golden Bronzer in Golden (to highlight)
  • ELF Eyebrow Kit in Medium
  • Mary Kay Eyelash Curler
  • Maybelline Color Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze
  • Urban Decay Naked Palette- Virgin, Naked, and Creep
  • L'Oreal Waterproof Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara
  • Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Lip Gloss Balm in 235 Coral Twist
  • Necklace- Local Downtown Boutique
  • Top- I don't know. I think it's an old friends ;p
  • Pants- Target
  • Jacket- Old Navy
  • Scarf- Walmart
  • Leopard Flats- Cato

For Valentines Day this year, I decided to give Brandon something sweet but easy to make. I took a picture frame with a picture of us (duh!) and I filled a jar full of all the reasons why I love him. I threw in a few funny ones to keep things on the lighter side. I don't think guys like to be too overwhelmed with lovey dovey stuff. lol 

This literally took ten minutes to make- including printing out the paper, cutting them into strips, folding them, and arranging everything on the counter. I think it's cute and lets them know you care in a sweet way. 

How are you spending your Valentines?

Subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don't miss any new videos! :) 

Love you guys and Happy Valentines!

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Birthday Wish List

Hey guys!
So next Sunday is my 23rd birthday and I figured I'd share with you what I've been craving lately. I've been eyeing every 
single one of these items for a long time. 
Birthday Wish List
1. Leopard Z Palette- They've recently revamped their leopard Z Palette and I love this new style. It's not as 
cartoonish as the first leopard palette they had. And believe it or not, I don't own a single empty palette like this to hold my 
depotted eyeshadows.

2. Ben Nye Banana Luxury Powder- I've seen this every where and would love to give it a 
shot. According to the reviews I've read about this setting powder, it works wonders to set the concealer under your eyes. 
PLUS, Kim Kardashian's makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, uses it on her. It's super cheap but the only little down fall is that 
it's only sold online. 

3. Beauty Blender- I think everyone except me has this thing! When it first came out, I bought an off brand 
version of it at Ulta and didn't like it. It felt stiff and didn't look like it was as squishy (yes, that's the technical term I used). It 
also didn't look like it expanded twice it's size when I drenched it with water. So now I'm ready to get the real thing to see
what all the rage is about.

4. Real Techniques Makeup Brushes-  Again, I feel left out by not having these. I know I 
just bought some Sigma brushes but I'd like to have these as well. Every time I go to Ulta, they don't have the ones I want. 
Maybe an online order would be best...

5. Lorac Pro Palette- Last, but definitely not least is this Pro Palette from Lorac. I originally saw this in a 
few Youtube videos and the colors looked so pretty. Then, I saw it at Sephora and swatched my hand up and fell in love. 
Some people think that this palette is pretty close to the UD Naked palette but it's really not. The colors are still "neutral" but 
not the same neutral as the colors in the Naked palette.

Do you own any of these? Which ones do you like?

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Lost Posts: How to Style Combat Boots

Hey guys!
Here is the last "Lost Post" I will do from last year. I slightly modified it to show you more outfits in which you can wear combat boots. I think you can wear combat boots with pretty much anything as long as you rock it with confidence. I love the edginess feel they bring to any outfit. I love wearing my combat boots and have to admit that I feel slightly bad ass when I do. lol I hope you enjoy the outfits I've put together and like the few pins I've added to give you more ideas. 
Note: I linked the pics that aren't mine back to the Pinterest link from where I originally saw them. :)

Here, I wore a white tank layered with a plaid button up, leather jacket, and faux fur vest.  My pants are simply distressed skinnies. 

I like to leave my boots untied and loose at the top to give a more effortless look.

^^this link has a bunch of other combat boot outfit ideas^^

Do you have combat boots? How do you like to style them?

Don't forget to follow me on FB!

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