How to Fix Broken Powder

Hey everyone!
The other day my favorite, fairly new, Wet N Wild blush broke in my makeup bag. I was tempted to throw it away because of the mess it made in my bag and the fact that it was only three dollars and I already had an extra one... BUT I decided NOT to be wasteful and simply turn the process of fixing a broken powder into a blog post. :) Yay me! haha So let's begin, shall we?

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Broken Powder i.e. eyeshadow, blush, face compact, or anything else related
  • Something to crush the chunks (I hate that word) big pieces into a fine powder
  • Alcohol- Rubbing alcohol that is 

  • I used this knife thing. I honestly don't know where it came from but figured it would do. lol And I used this Alcohol that has a small opening at the top to make it easier to drop single drops into the pan.

    First, crush up the big pieces into a fine powder

    Like so...

    Next, add a little rubbing alcohol.

    I added quite a bit on accident. Oops! No big. It'll just take longer for it to dry :) Then, smooth the product out with your knife or gently tap the pan on the counter to even out the product.

    *Optional- Clean the excess powder off of the remaining packaging to give it a cleaner look.

    Wait a few hours for it to dry and you're done! Like new!.. almost.

    Let me know if you try this out and what kind of results you get! :)

    Don't forget to follow me on FB!


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