Ebay Haul

Hey everyone!
I placed an Ebay order about a month ago and finally got the last item in the mail earlier this week. These are some of the things that have been sitting in my Ebay cart for wayyyyy too long. One day I finally decided to just get it all instead of allowing it to sit there any longer. So, now onto the items I bought...

1. Lorac Pro Palette
I've wanted this palette ever since I read reviews of people saying that they liked it more than the original UD Naked palette (which I personally use ALL the time). So far I really like it but haven't decided if I like it more than my precious Naked palette.

This was a cheap blush palette that allowed me to get a variety of colors without breaking the bank. These actually turned out to be pretty pigmented. 

I've wanted a Z-Palette for years now! I really don't have a good excuse as to why I've waited so long to buy one but now that I have one, I want another! You can see this one is already filled and I still have more loose shadows that need a home. I will purchase another one of these soon (or at least that's the plan).

4. Black Geometric Necklace
I've seen a few celebrities wear a necklace like this such as Kim Kardashian, Nicole Richie, and Paris Hilton. I think it looks chic and goes with everything. 

5. Monogram Necklace
Who doesn't have a monogrammed necklace these days? I finally got mine and have been wearing it non-stop. I've also seen celebrities like Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Carrie Underwood, and SEVERAL others rock this type of necklace.

I've bought several Beauty Blender dupes but these are the best I've found so far. They expand when soaked in water and haven't torn apart when I've tried to wash it. So far, so good.

Since Kim Kardashian's makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, spilled that he loved using this on her, everyone's swarmed out to get it! I feel like when I get more of a tan over the summer, it will be prefect, but since I'm pretty fair right now, it seems to be kinda too yellow. I know it'll work over the summer though so I'm not worried. :) 

Have you made any recent Ebay purchases?? What are some things you've been craving?

Beauty Things I Suck At- TAG

Hey guys!
I've seen this tag going around and figured I'd do it too! So, it may come to a surprise to many of you, but let's face it... I do suck at some beauty related things. I know, I know... Let's just get this over with, okay? 

1. Mascara
When I apply mascara, it ends up looking like it attacked me. It's on my eyelids, under my eyes, across my nose, on my cheeks, and in my hair. I don't know how it happens. 
It just does. 

2. Painting my right hand
No explanation needed. I'm horrible at putting polish on my right hand. It looks like a child did it. The goal is to get the polish all over the nail and go back with remover to clean it up.

3. Styling my hair
I am horrible at hair! All I ever do is straighten it. Every once in a while I'll curl it but it's pretty rare. I really don't venture out and try new hairstyles because more times than not they end up pretty bad. 

4. Eyebrow Stencils
I've tried numerous times to use eyebrow stencils to get the perfect Kim Kardashian brow but I always fail. MISERABLY! I end up looking angry with huge brows. 

Well, that's it! Those are the things I totally suck at. What are some of the things you aren't very good at?? 

PS- I tag everyone!!! Do it!

Bare Minerals Review + 1 Year Blog Anniversary!

Hello Everyone!
Today I bring you a review over the Bare Minerals pressed powder, but first I wanted to say a little thank you! Yesterday marked a year that I started blogging. When I first started, I could have never imagined I would have fallen so in love with it. I love being able to share my superficial obsessions with you guys because I know you're all just as crazy as I am. :) Thank you so much for leaving me thoughtful comments, as they all mean so much to me! I honestly never thought I'd keep up this blog for this long, but  now that I have, I have no intentions of stopping. I love it! One thing that I like about having a blog is that I am able to see how much I've grown, not only as a blogger, but as a person. I feel way more confident now than I ever have before. I really believe it's because of you guys, so THANK YOU!!! 

If you'd like to refresh yourself on my first embarrassing post, here it is... try to hold in your laughter. I was actually really nervous about posting it. lol

Now, on to the review... :)

I few weeks ago I received a sample of the Bare Minerals Prime Time foundation primer and the Ready Foundation. First, let me tell you that I have tried mineral makeup similar to this and have always hated it. I tried to keep an open mind when trying this brand but still had my doubts. I just don't feel like it's worth the hype. Ok, let's continue...

The shade they gave me was in Fairly Light

I was told that this could be used as a foundation and a concealer so that's what I used it like. 
Here's what it said on the inside of the sample.
I first applied Prime Time all over my face. This primer was very silky and left my skin feeling smooth. It's not as thick as other primers that are similar to this and you can see it started to slightly run off my finger.
Here, I wanted to show the coverage of the powder on one side of my face. I applied the powder foundation with my F88 Flat Angled Kabuki brush from Sigma and buffed it into my skin using circular motions. Some of the redness and darkness in my face has been concealed. 

Here is what the first layer looked like. The coverage is about a medium here and is uneven in places. The center of my face (eyes, nose and mouth area) seemed to either not want to grab onto the powder at all or grab too much. Under my eyes have been kind of concealed, but not evenly. Above my eyebrows and on the bridge of my nose did not want to hold onto the powder at all. It also looks like I have a bag underneath one eye. 

This is with the second layer. The coverage looks more even but is starting to look cakey.  My under eyes do not look completely concealed and are still uneven. 

Upon further inspection, I noticed that even with the primer I used first, the pores on my cheeks and nose seemed to fill up with the powder and under my eyes looked cakey with the thick powder. 

I applied the rest of my makeup and went about my day like normal. As you can see, even with the rest of my makeup applied, you can still see some unevenness around my eyes and you can see fine lines in my forehead. 

Here's at the end of the day. My face looked and felt pretty oily. Notice the shine on my nose, cheeks, and forehead. 

It was very strange how this makeup wore off. By the end of the day it looked really blotchy. I could swipe my finger across my face and the makeup would have come right off.

As you can see, around my nose looks like cake, my cheeks are a blotched mess where some of the foundation has worn off while the rest has caked and settled on top of the skin, and around my eyes look stained yellow (still with the unevenness).
Overall, I would NOT recommend this. Maybe you've tried it and loved it... great! Keep in mind that I have a normal/combination skin type so maybe this would work if you have dry skin. But I personally think for the money, there are way better products out there than this. This powder foundation retails for $29, while the primer runs $23 (and I guess is sold as a spray? not really sure). I definitely would have been disappointed had I bought the full size.

Another note I'd like to add, I tried this again but with a concealer and without the primer underneath the next day to see how the results varied. The coverage under my eyes were better, obviously from the concealer I used, but the rest of the foundation still looked like crap. Idk.

If you have tried this let me know what you think. I know some people are die hard Bare Mineral lovers and they are the reason I gave this product a try.

DIY: Cut Off Tank

Today is another DIY! YAYYYY!!! 
We're all very excited, right? So, I know this may seem easy (and it IS!) but I figured I'd show you how to cut the sleeves off a T shirt to turn it into a tank that is cool and breezy for summer, especially since a trend right now is to wear loose tanks and bandeaus! This is an easy way to jump on the band wagon. :)

  • T-shirt (I got mine from Walmart for $7.50)
  • Scissors
  • Bandeau or Bralet

First make sure the shirt is laid out flat with the sleeve seams lined up (on top of one another). Next,  hold the fabric tight together as you cut on the inside of the seams.

This will create a raw edge. Fix any mistakes you've made by trimming the excess pieces and then slightly pull on the sleeve. This will cause the raw edge to curl within itself and make the edge look neater
Always wear a bandeau underneath (or even a tank top). Stay classy! 
And that's it! Easy peasy, right? If you don't feel too confident in your skills, try cutting a shirt you don't necessarily care about for practice, then move on to the real thing. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have tried this before and how you like it. :)

LORAC TANtalizer Review

Hey guys!
Today I bring you a review of LORAC's TANtalizer. I received this sample a long time ago and never used it. Since Spring is finally making way and my shorts are starting to make an appearance in my wardrobe again, I figured I'd try it out. The tantalizer isn't a self-tanner per say but more like a shimmery body bronzer.

The tantalizer comes in two shades- Original and Deep. While this is only a sample, the regular 5 fl. oz. retails for $32 on the Lorac website.

I received this particular sample at Sephora. 

There is a slight scent but nothing over bearing and does wear off. 

You may also consider using this mixed into your tinted moisturizer or foundation for a hint of warmth. 

I applied this all over my legs and it dried fairly quickly. After it dried, it made my skin feel moistened like I had just put on a lotion but never felt greasy. 

When first applied, it seems pretty dark on the skin but easily sheers out the more you rub it in. You may also add it to a lotion or sunscreen if you have fair skin. 

Here's what it looks like straight out of the bottle.

Here you can seen the beautiful golden sheen it gives your skin. In the sun light it looks so gorgeous! You're able to see little specks of gold shimmer/glitters. 

I found that this luminizer lasted all day and never faded, streaked, or ended up patchy. It lasted until later that night when I washed it away in the shower. I also noticed that it never transferred to my clothes which was great!

Overall, I really liked the way this looked on my legs and think it would look great all over the body. I would not buy this intending to use it on a daily basis but only on special occasions. I think if you had an occasion where you wanted to show a little skin and wanted to look super glowy like a bronze goddess than this would be perfect!

Let me know if you have tried it and what you think :)

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