Ebay Haul

Hey everyone!
I placed an Ebay order about a month ago and finally got the last item in the mail earlier this week. These are some of the things that have been sitting in my Ebay cart for wayyyyy too long. One day I finally decided to just get it all instead of allowing it to sit there any longer. So, now onto the items I bought...

1. Lorac Pro Palette
I've wanted this palette ever since I read reviews of people saying that they liked it more than the original UD Naked palette (which I personally use ALL the time). So far I really like it but haven't decided if I like it more than my precious Naked palette.

This was a cheap blush palette that allowed me to get a variety of colors without breaking the bank. These actually turned out to be pretty pigmented. 

I've wanted a Z-Palette for years now! I really don't have a good excuse as to why I've waited so long to buy one but now that I have one, I want another! You can see this one is already filled and I still have more loose shadows that need a home. I will purchase another one of these soon (or at least that's the plan).

4. Black Geometric Necklace
I've seen a few celebrities wear a necklace like this such as Kim Kardashian, Nicole Richie, and Paris Hilton. I think it looks chic and goes with everything. 

5. Monogram Necklace
Who doesn't have a monogrammed necklace these days? I finally got mine and have been wearing it non-stop. I've also seen celebrities like Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Carrie Underwood, and SEVERAL others rock this type of necklace.

I've bought several Beauty Blender dupes but these are the best I've found so far. They expand when soaked in water and haven't torn apart when I've tried to wash it. So far, so good.

Since Kim Kardashian's makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, spilled that he loved using this on her, everyone's swarmed out to get it! I feel like when I get more of a tan over the summer, it will be prefect, but since I'm pretty fair right now, it seems to be kinda too yellow. I know it'll work over the summer though so I'm not worried. :) 

Have you made any recent Ebay purchases?? What are some things you've been craving?


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