50 Facts About Me TAG! + 100,000 Views

Hey guys!
I saw this tag and thought it looked fun. Have fun learning a little more about me and my life! :)

1. I have three first names as my full name- Amber Nicole Lindsey.
2. I am the oldest child.
3. I have two younger sisters- Crystal (17) and Hailey (13). Hailey is the youngest and is my step sister.
4. I am the first of my family to go to college. Soon I will be the first to graduate from college! Eeeee! :D May '14!
5. I was born in Houston, Texas.
6. I have lived in 5 different cities in Texas but in 9 different houses- soon to be 10 (we're moving again in a couple months).
7. When I was younger I was extremely anti-social and went to a Montessori to get more interaction with other kids my age. I'm still a little shy at times but have opened up more over the years.
8. I would always hide from my parents as a child. I still do to this day... lol
9. My parents divorced when I was 9.
10. I've always loved to sing and dreamed of being a singer when I grew up. Sometimes I even wrote my own lyrics... Of course they were about boys and life on the playground.
11. I hate cold weather. I turn into a real bish when I'm cold.
12. I have freckles on the whites of my eyes.
13. My favorite food is pizza, and pasta, and chocolate, and ice cream. Mmmmm I love me some ice cream.
14. I'm lactose intolerant. *Wah Wah Wahhhh
15. I used to be a tomboy and hung out with mainly boys.
16. In high school, I was on the Drill Team. My favorite types of dancing were hip hop, salsa, and modern.
17. I CRINGE at the sound of someone smacking their food. It drives me crazy!!!
18. I've always wanted blue eyes.
19. I can drive a standard.
20. I was a school bus driver.
21. I've riden a motorcycle.
22. I have a mexican black king snake named Molly :)
23. I'm definitely a dog person.
24. I'm dyslexic when it comes to numbers.
25. I went to SEVERAL daycares when I was little. I was pretty much raised in daycares. I've honestly lost count of how many I went to.
26. I REFUSE to step onto a bare floor when getting out of the shower. I have to step on a rug, mat, or towel.
27. Things I think are overrated- sushi, macaroons, and Johnny Depp.
28. My celebs crushes are- David Beckham, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, and Channing Tatum. *Girl crush is Angelina Jolie
29. I think I have cute toes.
30. I used to love to draw.
31. I love having my hair brushed or fingers run through my hair.
32. I used to own a pink scooter.
33. The first day I got my driver's license, I wrecked my car.
34. I've never jumped off a diving board!
35. I was on Good Morning America and met Diane Sawyer, Chris Cuomo, and Emeril Lagasse.
36. I have a love/hate relationship with shoes. I have tons but I hate wearing them.
37. I would love to live in Los Angeles and be a celebrity makeup artist.
38. I hiccup in ones. One hiccup and I'm done. Sometimes two.
39. I sneeze when I'm cold, tired, or look into bright lights.
40. I have a HORRIBLE sense of smell, which means I usually eat food based on texture.
41. One day I want to swim with dolphins.
42. I dream that Miley Cyrus and I are besties.
43. My childhood nickname is Ambi Bambi. An old daycare teacher started calling me Bambi and it stuck.
44. I've always loved makeup and believe my true passion grew from working at a makeup counter. Making people feel beautiful made me feel wonderful! It's so rewarding :)
45. I am a shopoholic!
46. When I'm stressed, I bite my nails and pull out my hair.
47. I have been with Brandon for almost 4 1/2 years.
48. I hate working out... I really just don't like getting sweaty.
49. I have a dysfunctional family but it has made me into the strong person that I am today.
50. I love this blog and all of you guys! Thank you so much for supporting me and helping me grow into a confident person! I love all of your sweet comments. They really mean a lot :) I couldn't have imagined I'd love blogging this much and enjoy talking to all of you. Thank you so much for the 100,000+ views!

I hope you enjoyed this and learned a little more about me :)


Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Swatches

Hey guys!
A couple weeks ago I went to the Chanel counter and the guy gave me a few samples to try. I asked him about the lipsticks they had on display because after I swatched  them I seriously thought about purchasing a few (they glided on sooo smoothly). Instead, he gave me this sample pack of lipstick colors, which I gladly accepted. I initially fell in love with the Saga color but after testing them all on my lips, my opinions have slightly changed...

81- Fiction (Rouge Coco Shine)
This is a BEAUTIFUL color. I thought it was going to apply darker than what it did but it is still very pretty. In the package, it looks more like a vampy red but on the lips, it looks more like a bright berry color. 

79- Saga (Rouge Coco Shine)
This was the color I initially fell in love with. I think it's gorgeous on the lips and would be a perfect everyday. It's a pretty light baby pink color and would definitely purchase this color.

62- Monte-Carlo (Rouge Coco Shine)
This color has a slight sparkle in it but hardly noticeable on the lips. This color was also the glossiest and hardest to get an even coat across the lips. I feel like that's because it was so glossy though. And though I do love the color, I don't think I would get it because the others seemed to apply much smoother. This reminded more of a lipgloss.

54- Le Baiser (Rouge Coco)
I love this color too! I think it's great for summer and is a pretty punch of color on the lips. 

Overall, I think these are all beautiful colors. My personal favorites are Fiction and Saga... then Le Baiser. If you don't mind the $32.50 price tag then I would say definitely go for it! They feel great on the lips and scream luxury. If you're not too sure about the price tag then go get a sample to play with! Why not??

I hope you enjoyed my mini review/swatch-fest. Let me know which colors you like OR if you've tried these, what are your favorite colors?

Makeup Must-Haves

Hey guys!
This summer has been pretty good so far, except for the fact that I'm in summer school. Oh well, I guess it's not too bad. I mean, who doesn't love doing math???... Over the past few weeks I've been doing quite a bit of makeup shopping and wanted to share a few of my current drugstore makeup must-haves with you.

Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Liquid Foundation (825 Buff Beige) 
This has become my Holy Grail liquid foundation from the drugstore! I absolutely love it! Although it's a little pricey for the drugstore, I think it's well worth every penny. The coverage is beautiful and dries quickly to a powder. The coverage is also buildable and lasts all day. I really don't have any complaints with this foundation at all! It's wonderful.

ELF Eyebrow Kit in Medium 
This is the best eyebrow duo for the money. I've repurchased this 3 times before and still love it. I love the wax and the powder together. There are several ways to fill in your eyebrows with this kit to achieve any look you're going for, whether it be defined, bold, or natural. It's great for everything.

ELF Golden Bronzer 
Although this is labeled as a "bronzer," it's actually a highlighter. I LOVE the way it looks on the tops of the cheekbones. It gives you an instant glow to your skin that looks beautiful.

Sonia Kashuk Hidden Agenda in Light 
Since it's been sweltering hot here in Texas, I've gotten a few break outs lately. This palette is perfect for covering any blemishes or redness you may have. Also, since I have naturally dark under eyes, The peach toned corrector works perfect for that as well.

ELF Blush in Pink Passion 
This color is perfect for summer! It's great to add on your cheeks for that fresh bright pop of color.

Rimmel Stay Matte Translucent Pressed Powder 
I've used this for a while now and it has quickly become my favorite for setting all my makeup. Plus, it's extremely lightweight and doesn't feel like I'm wearing anything.

Revlon Photoready Bronzer in Bronzed and Chic 
This is a great drugstore bronzer because it's not too orange/red and is also matte. I think it's pretty to apply all over the face to warm up your complexion. 

NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss in Beige 
The name of this is pretty misleading because it's FAR from "beige." This is a pretty medium pink that goes with everything. I like it because I don't have to think about it, I just know it's going to work with whatever other makeup I have on. 

So those are my current drugstore makeup must-haves.
Let me know if you've tried any of these or if you have favorites you want to share! :)

DIY: Upcycling a Candle Jar

Hey guys!
Recently I burned through a favorite candle I purchased from Hobby Lobby. I felt like it would have been wasteful to throw away the glass jar so I decided to up-cycle it and use it for something else. This post will show you how I did that :)

First, boil water, enough to fill the candle jar close to the top. 

Now, grab your candle. I LOVED the smell of this candle! 

Set the jar in the sink, and begin poring the boiling water into the jar. Be careful not to burn yourself or touch the glass jar after it is filled. If you spill any water, don't worry, it'll just go down the drain. The hot water will melt the wax and cause it to float to the top. 

Wait until the jar has cooled enough to handle, and pull the wax out of the top of the jar. You may have a little extra candle wax at the bottom but it can easily be removed by hand or with a green scrubber sponge.  

This is what you should have once the wax is removed.

If you have trouble with removing the outside label, set it into a pot full of warm water and fill the jar full of water to weigh it down into the pot. 

Next, take a green scrubber and and soap and completely clean the jar.

You should be left with something like this.

You can use your candle jar however you wish depending on the size. I chose to use mine to hold bobby pins, hair clips, and hair ties. 

Wondering what to do with the excess candle wax?...

Cut it into pieces and use it in a wax warmer! :) 
I felt very good doing this because I recycled as much of this candle as I could. It makes me wonder what else I can up-cycle... I hope you enjoyed this and try it out for yourself!

What things have you up-cycled? 

Difference Between Bronzing and Contouring

Hey everyone!
First off, thank you so much to everyone who entered my Skin Regime Giveaway and congrats to Kaylyn for winning! So exciting! :D I didn't think doing a giveaway would be that exciting so I'm definitely considering doing more.

Today I wanted to do a lesson/how-to type of post and explain the difference between bronzing and contouring. I've inserted pictures below to visually show you the difference between the two. 

Here is my face with no bronzing or contouring, just foundation, concealer, and powder. 

ELF's Contouring Blush and Bronzer and ELF Complexion Brush
When choosing a bronzer, go for something that will give you a glow. Bronzer with a little golden sheen or slight shimmer looks gorgeous on the skin. Especially for summer!

Face with bronzer applied
With bronzer, apply it to the top of your forehead, around the edges of your face, across your cheeks and nose, slightly on your chin, and down the neck to blend with the rest of your skin. Apply it with a light hand. You want to look sun-kissed, not like you just put Nutella all over your face.

MAC's Powder Blush in Blunt and NYX Highlight and Contour Powder. Sonia Kashuk Flat-top Sculpting Brush and Sigma's Small Contour Brush.
When choosing a contour color, ideally, choose something that is neutral (meaning not orange/red). The idea of contouring is to make your face look like it has more dimension. To create this, you want your contour color to look more like the shade of a shadow (with grayish tones). You also want your contour to be matte. This is very important because if you use a shimmery bronzer, the shimmers will actually have the opposite effect and cause your face to look muddy and accentuate the areas in which you applied it. The shimmers will reflect in light, which is the opposite of what a shadow does naturally.

In this case, I used the Sonia Kashuk brush and NYX's contour powder. I wanted to show you exactly where I applied it.
The idea of contouring is to enhance your facial features, not to really look "sun-kissed" so to speak. You want to chisel or carve out the areas with your contour you want to recede. In turn, this accentuates the areas you want to highlight. Above, you can see where I initially placed my contour- along the hairline, down the sides and tip of the nose, under the cheek bone, under the jaw line and on the temples. To really get fancy, you can extend the contour from the temples into the crease of the eye and use it as a transition color or just to add more depth to the eyes. You can also contour the collar bone area if you wanted to add more depth to your declate/chest.

Here is what the contour looks like blended. Keep in mind you want to make your contour look like it's given your face a "lift." Think upwards.

Before, Bronzed,and Contoured.

Well, that's pretty much it. I hope you found this helpful! Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be more than happy to answer them! :)

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