2014 Spring Trends

Hey guys!
Recently I was contacted to do this post by Michelle from Girl Friday XO and of course I jumped at the opportunity! She is so sweet and of course if you haven't checked out her blog, what are you waiting for?? She also makes Youtube videos so check those out as well! So, without further ado... here are some of this Spring's hottest trends!

2014 Spring Trends: Soft Berry Lips, Bright Orange Lips, Blue Shadow/Liner, White shadow with white liner, Metallic lids with glitter, Glowing Skin, Pop of Green, Rosy Pink Shadow

Soft Berry Lips- A great way to wear soft berry lips is to first apply a clear coat of lip balm. This will moisturize your lips so they don't look dry when you apply color. Next, take a berry lipstick and apply it to your lips using your ring finger. This will distribute color to your lips without looking to heavy or over- done. This doesn't have to be perfect. Simply apply the color and press your lips together to smooth out any harsh lines. 

Try- Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick in Bit of Berry or MAC Rebel Lipstick
Try- NYX Loose Pearl Shadow in Oro or MAC pressed pigment inBlonde Streak
Try-Wet N’Wild trio in I Dream of Greenie or Urban Decay’sKush
Try-Milani powder shadow inTickled Pink or Laura Mercier baked eye color in Petal Pink

Bright Orange Lips- I LOVE this trend! When it comes to orange lipstick, go for a color with more red in it as opposed to more yellow. Too much yellow in an orange lipstick can be tricky to wear because it can make you look sickly. Unlike berry lips, orange lips look best when they are neat and clean. Take your orange lipstick and apply it with a lip brush to get a smooth line and even application. Clean up any mistakes with a Q-tip.
Try- Kiss Me Coral from Revlon or MAC Morange Lipstick

Blue Shadow/Liner- This Spring, think saturated colors across the eyes. There are several ways to wear cerulean blues so it should be easy to pick a style that suits you best. One way is to line the lower lash line with the color while keeping the top half of the eye naked or neutral. Another way is to pop the color on the outer corner of your eye while keeping the inner two thirds of your eye free of the vibrant color. Lastly, the most subtle way to add color is with an eyeliner. Simply line your waterline and add mascara to curled lashes with neutral lids. 

Try- Milani Liquif'eye Eyeliners in Aqua and Blue. Also try Sephora Colorful Eyeshadow in Pool Party (18)

White Shadow/Liner- This is my favorite trend for the season by far! It was a hit on the runway during Fashion Week. Rock this look by sweeping a soft white over your entire lid and inner corner, then lining your waterline with a white Kohl liner. Feeling daring? Try doing a cat eye look with a white liquid liner instead of black. Load on the mascara to top off this fresh look. 
Try-Cover Girl SnowBlossom shadow or Urban Decay’s Zephyr. Liners: Rimmel Soft Kohl liner in Pure White or Lime Crime liquid liner in Lunar Sea

Metallic Lids w/Glitter- Girls’ Night Out won’t be the same when you step out wearing this look. To execute try foiling a shadow that already contains glitter or tap on a pigment with a spritz of Fix +. To foil a shadow all you need is a wet brush. You can wet the brush using water or Fix +. A great alternative to Fix + is eye drops. Any brand will do. Be sure to use a tapping motion when applying any product containing glitter. Tip: Apply your eye makeup first then do your foundation. This will sweep away any fall-out from the glitter.

Glowing Skin- Glowing skin is beautiful paired with the pops of colors mentioned. To keep your look from falling flat, make sure your skin is taken care of by exfoliating, moisturizing, and keeping a light hand when applying foundation. You want to look fresh for Spring, so stay away from heavy duty foundations that can make you look cakey. 

Pop of Green- This color is definitely for color lovers. Take any green shadow and drag it along your lower lash line. Keep the rest of your look neutral and let the green be the stand out. Think creamy shadow on the lid and a basic brown in the crease.

Rosy Pink Shadow-What better way to show your femininity than with the ultimate girly color? Be sure to use a flesh toned base before applying otherwise you may look sickly. Also, I would steer clear of this look if you are extremely Fair in complexion it may not be the most flattering. Put this color on your lids to give an ethereal appearance. Wear with just mascara for a soft and pretty presentation.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below! I love you loved this post and thank you Michelle for including me in this post!

What are some of your favorite trends for Spring?

The Beauty Blogger Tag

Hey guys!
Today I was tagged by Stephanie from Goddess Mnemosyne to do this tag. What the heck, right? Let's just get into it because it's a little long :) 

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
It's naturally straight with a little wave

2. What is your natural hair colour?
Mousy Brown 

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I dye it myself

4. How often do you wash your hair?
About twice a week. On the other days I use dry shampoo

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
Well, since I started working I'm kind of limited on what I can wear but of course I wear what I want. I may feel nautical one day, super girly another day, maybe a little chic, or another day I may channel my inner Taylor Momsen 

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I do my own. Sometimes I think I do a better job. 

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
Lately, not very often. But I typically change it when it starts to chip or I get tired of looking at a color.  

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
I do, but I change the color more often in the summer. 

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
About an hour. It really depends on how awake I am in the morning or how distracted I am with the music playing on my iPhone or the YouTube videos I'm watching. 

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Face. I've tried doing the eyes first, but I like doing my face makeup first instead. 

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I am a bit of a collector but I research usually before I buy something so I don't have a crazy collection.

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
I wear them every so often but I used to wear them daily when I worked at a beauty counter.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
No. Sometimes it's just the basic things like concealer, powder, blush, and mascara, but if I'm going to work or have to be at an event or meeting, then I definitely wear a full face. 

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
Sometimes but typically not.

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, but rarely. I usually have AT LEAST concealer on.

16. How many high end products do you have?
Do I really need to count? My collection mainly consists of drugstore but I do have higher-end things like Chanel, MAC, Urban Decay, etc.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Not as often as I should...

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
I decide on an outfit the night before if it's something special, but typically I just wait til morning. 

19. How often do you change your handbag?
Eh, every season or so, but I do like to use little hand bags when I need to down size for the day.

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
I typically go to sleep around 11:30 pm and wake up around 5:45-6:00 am

21. How often & when do you workout?
NOT NEARLY AS MUCH AS I SHOULD! Pretty much none-existent lately.

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?

23. How tall are you?

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
I tried that once... It was a complete fail. My poor Spanish teacher.

25. How many pets do you have?
I have 2 snakes- Molly and Chanel (which I refer to as Baby Snake). Molly is a Mexican Black Kingsnake and Baby Snake is a Ball Python.

26. How often are you on Blogger?
I check it nearly everyday but don't spend as much time on it as I used to. Life is getting in the way. I really wish I had more time to dedicate to blogging. I miss it in a way. 

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?
Yeah, I do. 

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I typically keep a mental list of things I want to try. If I start to forget or the list becomes ridiculously long, then I'll pin the things I want to my Pinterest. 

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
It just kind of came to me. I knew I wanted it to be "beauty" something because it doesn't limit the things I can talk about on my blog. "Beauty" can be a multitude of things. 

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
Sony Cybershot DSC-H20

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
I pick up around the house everyday but I clean once a week. 

32. What is your favourite colour?

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?
I actually like the TWO magazine from Pixiwoo 

34. Do you swear?

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Well, today is my 24th Burfdayyyy!!! I'm actually in the middle of baking myself a cake. :P

Thank you so much for tagging me Stephanie! I hope you all have a great week!

Drugstore Haul

Hey everyone!
Some time has passed since I've bought this stuff but now that I've used everything I can give you a mini review of each product. YAY! *Anchorman Jump* :P I love that movie lol

Let's just JUMP right into it...

Covergirl TruMagic Skin Perfector
This skin perfector mattifies your face and smoothes pores and fine lines. They claim you can use it before and/or after your makeup (and you can) but I prefer to use it before I apply my makeup. When you use it after your makeup application, the sponge and even the product becomes stained with the color of your foundation. I like to keep my things looking clean, so I like to use it before I put on makeup and I love the way it makes my makeup look. Also, it makes my skin feel super silky. I will most likely repurchase this when I run out. 

Wet 'N' Wild- 3 Pack (Vanity Palette, Black Eyeliner, and Black MegaLength Mascara)
This was a total steal from Rite Aid! I got it for $2.49! Woohooooo! I had wanted the Vanity palette for THE longest time and even considered paying $15 for it on Ebay so I would have it (I had heard and seen so many great reviews on this palette). The great part was that I found it in a set with an eyeliner and mascara. Of all the things that came in the set, the Vanity palette was definitely worth the hype and I'm so glad I have it in my collection. I actually keep it in my makeup bag in my purse. As for the eyeliner and mascara, they're okay... The eyeliner is pretty good. The mascara is okay but it's definitely on the wet side, which I typically don't go for. 

Covergirl TruBlend
I was drawn to this foundation because they had changed the packaging to the similar packaging of the 3-in-1 foundation. The consistency is thin the coverage is light/medium. I actually mix a pump of this with my 3-in-1 Covergirl foundation and I really like it for winter. The 3-in1 foundation was starting to feel a little dry and cakey, but when I added this it felt a lot better. I have worn this foundation by itself but I feel like it's not the best for my combination/oily skin. 

L'Oreal Extraordinaire by Color Riche Lip Gloss in 101 Rose Melody and 201 Rose Symphony
I love these lip glosses.  The colors are super pigmented and beautiful. The texture isn't too sticky but is sticky enough to where it will stay on you lips for a decent amount of time. 

RevlonHighlighting Palette in Rose Glow
This highlighter looks beautiful in the pan and is nice on the skin but is pretty glittery. When I first used it my face looked like a disco ball, but now it only looks a little glittery. I actually prefer a shimmery/glowy highlight and not a glitter highlight, but this looks pretty when it's used slightly over the top of your blush.

Salon Perfect Lashes in 110 Black
These are some of my favorite lashes. I think they look fairly natural but with a little oomph. I think they would be fine for everyday or even if you wanted to just wear them for a night out for a little more of a dramatic look. Kinda like your lashes but better. 

So, that's all I got! I hope you liked my haul and enjoyed my mini reviews of each thing.

Have y'all been shopping lately? 
Have you tried any of these products? What do you think?

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