Lost Posts of 2012

Hey guys!
Since I've started blogging in April, there have been a few "lost posts" that I took pictures for but never created an actual post out of. I figured it would be fun to show you a few pictures of the posts that never were. Under each picture I'll explain what the post was meant to be. Let me know if you have any questions or would like me to actually create a post out of one of the "lost posts." :) I hope you enjoy!

Colorblocking with Neons for Summer/OOTD
Review/Swatches of Kissable Lip Stains

Revamped Necklace/Bracelet Holder

Review over Sigma E25 Blending Brush

FOTD/OOTD with teal e/s

How to style combat boots


Review/Swatches of Color Tattoo in Pomegranate Punk

Nail Polish Collection and Favorites

If you'd like to see an actual post for any of these let me know! :)

Do you have any "Lost Posts" over this past year?

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hey guys!
So I wanted to share a few Christmas related pictures with you. Above is our Christmas tree I decorated and below are pictures of a Christmas inspired look and pics of my outside lights.

On a personal level, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and are able to spend time with loved ones. I hope you all receive everything you wished for on your Christmas List. Warm up some hot chocolate and stuff your face with yummy food and loads of sweet treats! Cherish the sweet moments this season brings and may you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)

My outdoor Christmas lights
I won 1st prize in the decorating contest for these lights baby! :)

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

Have Yourself a Very Glam Christmas

Hey guys!
Today I wanted to show you a couple of options as to what you could possibly wear for Christmas Day and/or a Christmas Party. I love looking glam over the Christmas holidays! It's a great way to look pulled together and polished. The outfits I've created above are all classic pieces and work well when mixed and matched together. Over the holiday, you CANNOT go wrong with looking classic and chic. Use these pieces as a guide to help you decide what to wear for the next special occasion.

If you are traveling over the holidays please be safe and enjoy time with family!

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

Look Book: Stripes and Pink

Sweater- Old Navy, Pants- Target, Rings- F21, Watch- Walmart, Necklace- Local Boutique

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

DIY: Studded Sweater

Hey guys!
So today I bring you another DIY. I am so excited about this one because it turned out way cuter than what I had anticipated. I love when that happens! I decided to spruce up an old sweater I've had for 97154587130 years. I kept it around because I knew I wanted to do something to it (I just didn't know what). So with the stud craze going around and the fact that accentuated shoulders are in right now, why not stud the shoulders of this old sweater, right? I think this is the perfect way to jazz up any old clothing item. I love the edginess of studs, though, with this, I don't feel like it's too edgy. If that makes sense. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and try it out for yourself. It's super fun and easy to do and it only took me less than half an hour to do the whole thing.

The Materials:
  • Old Sweater
  • Studs (I purchased mine from Hobby Lobby)
  • Knife
First, decide how you want the studs to look on the sweater.

Next, begin placing studs through the sweater and folding the prongs into each other. Make sure the prongs are laid flat to avoid scratching yourself. I also suggest starting along the seam of the sweater to guide you in a straight line.
Continue with the rest of the studs until you are satisfied with the results.
Here is how mine turned out! :)
Here's what it looks like on the inside of the sweater.
I love the studded shoulders!

The studs add an edginess feel to the once boring sweater. But the light pink scarf makes it look slightly girly at the same time.

Have you ever re-vamped an old clothing item?

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

Winterlicious Tag!

1) Favorite Winter Nail Polish?
I typically like to wear reds and gold glitters during the Christmas holiday.

2) Favorite Winter lip product?
I loooove to rock a red lip (so classic). I also like wearing darker brick lipcolors because what other time is it acceptable it wear it without looking goth? As for chapstick, I like to lather on Burt's Bees.

3) Most worn Winter clothing piece?
My red jacket that I received for Christmas last year from Brandon's mom. I love it and wear it every chance I get.

4) Most worn Winter accessory?
In general, during the colder months I like to wear scarves. I also love to wear my snowflake earrings. I've had them for close to 10 years and I wear them every year!

5) Favorite winter scent/candle?
I like the smell of Vanilla and Sugar Cookies. 

6) Favorite Winter beverage?
I love to drink Hot Chocolate! Oh my goodness. Mmmmm

7) All time favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?
Elf. Definitely. Haha I love Will Ferrel and I especially love him in this movie. 

8) Favorite Christmas/Holiday song?

 I catch myself singing this song all the time...


Bahaha JK! I really like the song Winter Wonderland.

9) Favorite Holiday food/treat?
Nothing particular comes to mind. I do know that I like to eat chocolate... Way too much chocolate.

10) What is your favorite Christmas Decoration this year?
My T-Rex. Hands down. He'll be my favorite for a long time. It'll take a while for the new to wear off of him. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's the reason why I won the patio decorating contest!

11) What's at the top of your Christmas list?
A NEW CAR! lol just kidding... but not really.
I would like to get a MAC or Sephora giftcard, Sigma brushes, and money.

12) What are your plans for the holidays this year?
I will probably do like most and spend time with family. :)

Thank you so much Jessica (TheModMermaid) for tagging me!
I tag everyone who reads this and if you do this tag link it below for me and others to read! :)

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

So Polished: Road House Blues

Hey Everyone!
For this nail of the day, I chose to paint my nails a navy blue color by OPI called Road House Blues. I painted an accent nail with Milani's Jewel FX Nail Lacquer in Gold Glitter. In the pictures my nails look black but they're actually a really dark navy blue. I love wearing glitter on my nails this time of year.

What nail polishes are you currently loving?

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

DIY: Jewelry Holder

 Hey guys!
I had been wanting to buy something to organize my jewelry but all the jewelry organizers I found seemed too small to fit everything so I figured I'd make my own jewelry holder/organizer. I love the way it turned out! It's so much prettier and more organized than before. I purchased the candle holders and glass jar with top from the dollar store. At the time, they were out of glass plates so I purchased two from Walmart for $3 each and I had the hot glue gun on hand. This tutorial is super easy and I would recommend everyone to make this. So let's get started!

Make sure to let the hot glue gun to heat up really hot.

Add glue to the rim of the candle holder and place in the middle of the underside of the plate.

Take your second candle holder and apply glue to the bottom rim and glue it to the center of the 1st plate. Then, apply glue to the top rim and place the second plate in the middle on top.

Last, do the same thing but apply the glass jar.

This is how I "organized" my jewelry before and it was a cluttered mess!

This is how it looks after... I absolutely love it! I love looking at it when I walk into my closet.

On the bottom plate I have bracelets and watches. The middle plate holds my rings and the top holds my earrings.


Let me know what you guys think and if you give it a try!

Don't forget to follow me on FB! http://www.facebook.com/BeautyGuide101

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