Tanning Beds = Horrible

So as I've stated in a previous post, I haven't been in a tanning bed in quite some time. I used to work at a tanning salon and loved to tan was obsessed with tanning every. single. day. I. could. I was darker than any of the other girls I worked with and I loved it. It wasn't until I stopped working at the tanning salon did I realize how horribly bad it was for your skin. I can honestly say that I have a few fine lines which I believe came from tanning so much. Recently I've seen this lady on the news (I'm sure we've all seen her by now) and this is a prime example as to why I stay away from tanning beds now and am a believer of self-tanning. When you tan in a bed or in the sun it prematurely ages you. You may think that you look good now, but trust me, the more you tan the faster wrinkles will appear and the more your skin looks like leather. Also, you are a hundred times (well, I don't know if it's really a hundred but...) more likely to get skin cancer. You can essentially DIE from tanning people! It's not safe. My recommendation for everyone is to try safely tanning by using a self-tanner or going to get a spray tan. This way you can look good and not have to worry about wrinkles or skin cancer. Here are a few pictures I found for encouragement. :)

Cute. real cute.

My thoughts exactly...
You know I couldn't talk about this without having Snooki in at least one of the pictures


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