Life Update: College, Jenna Marbles, and Christmas Vacation in Annapolis, D.C. and NYC!

Hey guys!

I know this semester my posts have been few and far between, but I wanted to let you guys know what has been going on and what plans I have for the next few weeks/months to come.

So, where do I begin? This semester I have been super busy with school and I felt like I've had to play catch up the entire semester. Not once have I been ahead of my school work, which can take it's toll on stress levels. I've had to be in classrooms every week teaching students on top of completing assignments. This week I have finals, which actually I should be doing now, but I'm soooo tired... They're due Wednesday so I have plenty of time, right? Last week I took my Generalist EC-6 test and passed! :D This means I'm smart enough to teach kids lol. So next semester I will be student teaching everyday so I know my posts will be rare but I will try my hardest to keep up with it as much as I can. I really have missed blogging :( It's not that I haven't put up posts, it's just that I haven't put up as many as I would have liked. I actually have a ton of pics for posts that I haven't created yet. I guess the thought doesn't really count when you don't actually publish the posts.

On another note, if you don't follow me on Instagram, I would suggest you do so :) Why the heck not??? I mean, really? lol I post more there than anywhere else. Plus, it gives you a peek inside my little life. Anyways, a few days ago I went to Target, as one does, and saw this adorable little puppy sweater.  It immediately reminded me of Jenna Marbles' chihuahua, Marbles. For those of you who don't know who Jenna is, here is her YouTube. I think she has over 1.3 billion channel views and over 11 million subscribers or something ridiculous. Anyways, I tagged her in the photo, not really thinking of it and figured she'd never see it because it looks like she gets tagged in a crap ton of pics everywhere, but figured WTH? So, a day or so later, I get on Instagram and see I have over 75 likes within a matter of minutes, and naturally I think someone's hacked my Instagram or something. When I look, I see that a lot of people "liked" that puppy sweater and see a couple comments saying that Jenna's liked it. I was pretty surprised that she even saw it, much less "liked" it. lol Anyways, that was a long story for something that wasn't life changing, but I thought it was pretty neat and figured I'd share lol :P Plus, I hate to post something without a picture. I feel like every post requires at least one picture :)

Finally, last but definitely not least is... drum roll, please... I'm going on vacation with my sister, Crystal in December to see family around the Baltimore/Annapolis area of Maryland. :) I will also be visiting Washington, D.C. and New York! I am super excited! I have never been to Maryland but I have been to both D.C. and NYC. I am supposed to fly up there after Christmas. My sister is also pretty excited because she's never been to NYC before and has been wanting to go. My question to you guys is, what are some of your favorite places to shop in NYC? It's been a few years since I last went so I  wanted to hear from y'all. We planned on making it an all day trip and possibly getting a hotel for the night. I think we were going to wake up super early to be on the TODAY show and then go see the "sights" like the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 memorial, Central Park, Times Square, whatever. But I was wanting to go shopping at some places they don't have around here in Texas. Someone told me on Instagram there was a HUGE F21 and I know there's an Inglot somewhere I'd like to check out because I've never been, but what places do you recommend seeing or shopping at? I'd also like to do some typical tourist-y stuff like eat a slice of pizza and maybe get a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. Mmmmm I love those! What places are good to eat? Tell me! Tell me! lol

Anyways, let me know what places you'd recommend in NYC or even in Washington, D.C., or Annapolis. I'd LOVE to know!


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