Sunday Social: Fashion Edition

Sunday Social

For this Sunday Social the questions are fashion related. YESSS!! lol Who doesn't want to talk about shopping right?

What is your favorite store to shop at?
I LOVE to shop at Forever 21! It's my number one place to shop! They always have the latest trends at a relatively decent/low price.

If you could afford anything and everything, which designer brand would you covet?
My all time favorite designer is Michael Kors- hands down. I love everything he makes. It's simply chic and very feminine. I love Michael Kors in every way. If I had the money, my entire wardrobe would be filled with his clothes and accessories.

Must have closet staple?
A Blazer. I love adding blazers to any outfit. It makes an outfit look more pulled together. It's the perfect piece to add.

Favorite kind of shoes? (brand or type)
I love to wear strappy heels and wedges. Lately I've been training myself to wear higher and higher heels. Strappy heels and wedges are the easiest for me to walk in and I love the way they look on my feet.

Best clothing deal you've ever gotten? (sale or amazing find)
This was a hard one... I would have to say my gold chain link necklace that I purchased from Forever 21 for $10. I was so close to purchasing a chain link necklace that looked very similar that was about 6 times more.

Style you'd love to try?
I'd love to try the hippie-chic, boho look but it seems like every time I try, I turn out looking silly. I think it's because I don't have very many pieces that follow along with that type of style. Plus, my body type doesn't seem to suit it either- I feel like you can't have any curves to wear stuff like this. 


Some of you may have noticed that I changed up my blog. Let me know what you think of the new look! I'd love some feedback! :)

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