New Ombre Hair

You ever get the itch for a change? I do... probably too frequently and for some reason I always go after my hair. I'll cut it, dye it, bleach it, highlight it, and whatever else you can think of. I don't know why I always want to change my hair because it's not like I know anything about hair or how to do hair... Maybe that's why? I guess I like to experiment with it? I don't know. Anyways, I decided that since ombre is still in (right?), I would try it out. I've seen Lauren Conrad and other celebrities with ombre'd hair and fell in love. It just looks so pretty to me. It's something different but fairly low maintenance, which is a plus. I typically don't spend a lot of time doing my hair, instead, I spend my time doing my makeup.

A little background on my hair...
My hair is naturally medium/dark brown. I usually dye it the darkest brown I can find, which typically looks black on my hair. I do this because it makes my hair look richer and shinier and overall healthier. When I decided to ombre my dyed dark brown/black hair, it turned orange. I had to bleach it a few times before it turned half way blonde. It was a slight Cheetos color. I also had to buy a purple shampoo to try to get out some of the orange/yellow/brassy color in my hair. I am currently still using the purple shampoo, trying to get the rest of the orange-ness out. This is why I haven't posted too many pics of myself lately, in case you were wondering. Overall, I think I'm satisfied with the new change. I'm pretty impressed with myself. I've gotten mixed reactions but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about my new hair! :) Let me know what you think in the comments.

What's the craziest/most drastic change you've ever made because of an "itch?"

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