DIY: Dry N Shape

Hello Everyone!
If you haven't figured out by now that I love easy DIYs, then now you know. I saw a YouTube video yesterday of this DIY. I actually had no intensions of dong it but yesterday afternoon I finished cleaning my brushes and I just so happened to remember watching that video. I checked to see if I had the stuff on hand, and in fact, I did! I was pretty excited that I didn't need to go but anything and then figured I'd make my own tutorial. So, here it is! I hope you like it and try it out for yourself. It works wonderfully! Now... if I could just think of a way to make them stand or hang upside down, it'd be perfect!

Supplies Needed:

  • Elastic
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Makeup brushes (duh!)

First, start by cutting the elastic into pieces. I cut mine in 1", 1 1/2", and 2" pieces. These seemed to fit all the brushes I wanted to use these for. 

Next, fold over one small edge and put a line of hot glue.

Take the other end and layer it over the top of the strip of glue and press together firmly for a few seconds (until it dries). Avoid overspilling the glue. Make sure you can see right through the hole you created. It shouldn't be sealed by the glue. 

Last, place the elastic pieces on your freshly washed makeup brushes. Slide the bottom of the brush handle through the elastic and slide the elastic piece all the way up the brush. This will ensure the bristles are straight and uniformed.

And that's it! Easy enough, right?

It literally only took a few minutes to make all of these. It's super easy! Let me know what you think or if you'll give this a try. :)


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