The Tangle Teezer Review

Hey guys!
About a week ago I picked up a Tangle Teezer from Sally's Beauty Supply for about $12. I had seen and heard so many great things about this brush and thought I'd give it a try. This is a handheld brush that is supposed to detangle your hair gently with less damage.

A little background on my hair- I have thin hair that easily tangles. I have always used round or paddle brushes through my hair and am definitely not tender-headed by any means. I'm used to my hair being pulled and tugged at. 

As you can tell, this brush does not have a handle but is shaped in a way where it fits comfortably in your hand. 

When I first used this brush, not gonna lie, it was a little weird. It glided through my hair and didn't pull at any of the tangles. I guess I'm so used to having my hair pulled at when brushing it that it was weird not to have my hair yanked at by a brush. 

There are rows of alternating short and tall bristles. The bristles are actually not as stiff as what I initially thought. They give (move and bend) quite a bit. This is most likely why it doesn't pull at your hair. When it comes across a knot or tangle, it gently brushes it out little by little instead of yanking at the entire knot at one time. 

This brush is also great to use as a shower brush. I had never used a brush in the shower until now. I ran this through my wet hair to evenly distribute the conditioner and it never once snagged. My hair felt incredibly soft the next day!

Overall, I really like this brush. The one thing that could be improved upon is possibly the plastic back. I feel like it can be a little awkward to hold at first so maybe if it had a slight rubbery backing it would be easier to keep ahold of it but other than that I think it's great. If you don't mind spending $12-13 on a brush, then go for it! :)

P.S.- Make sure to enter my Skin Regime Giveaway! It ends in a few days! Plus, check out  Kristen's Summer Beauty Essentials Giveaway! She's giving away some great stuff :)


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